What we want to achieve
The engAGE consortium and project aims to combat and slow down cognitive decline progression, to enhance the intrinsic capacity of the users, and to support the wellbeing of older persons with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) by providing an ecosystem of services based on an innovative system that integrates social robots, IoT-based monitoring, and machine learning techniques.
What we do
Holistic monitoring of ability to conduct activities of daily living (ADL) and wellbeing.
The ADL as contextual information will be monitored using IoT (Internet of Things) sensors, while self-reporting questionnaires (for primary and secondary users) will be used for monitoring the people's wellbeing and perceived health state (older adult mood, feelings, impressions, etc.).
Machine learning-based cognitive decline evaluation.
Machine Learning will be used to assess the cognitive decline by using information from daily life activities and wellbeing. Daily life activities are monitored by sensors to detect activities such as sleeping and sleep quality, physical activity, movement habits, eating, etc. Health and wellbeing will be monitored using self-reporting.
Coaching, cognitive stimulation and social interaction using social robots.
The interventions are targeting to delay the cognitive decline and improve the ability to carry out daily activities. The interventions will be done by leveraging on the social robot for engaging the older adults (and their caregivers) in theatre and storytelling by sharing narratives about lived events or by dialog and drama role playing.
The engAGE project is funded by

Project: aal-2021-8-159-CP: Managing cognitivE decliNe throuGh theatre therapy, Artificial intelligence and social robots drivEn interventions (engAGE)
Copyright and ownership: The engAGE consortium
Privacy notice: This web site does not use coockies or collect any personal information about the visitors.
Coordinator: Dr. Ionut Anghel, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Responsible web editor: Mr. Terje Grimstad, Karde AS, Norway, on behalf of the consortium