Personas are fictional characters, which are typically created to represent the different end-users who might be potential users or customers of a service, product or similar. Personas are hypothetical, not real, but they represent the requirements, needs, wishes and aspirations of real people or a group. Personas can inform and inspire the designers and developers of a service, such as engAGE. Our personas help the engAGE team in creating a good user experience for our primary and secondary end-users.
Scenarios are verbal descriptions of a phenomenon, sequence of events, or a situation. Scenarios are typically based on certain assumptions and variables. In the engAGE scenarios, we present our personas “in action” in order to provide additional information about the planned engAGE services and the use of these.
Personas will be constructed and used throughout engAGE system development process. We will define the main engAGE use cases to be used for defining and customizing the services considering the end-users wishes, needs, and newly developed/re-used ICT solutions functionalities.
The end-user partners will set up focus group sessions to define/refine the scenarios and personas. The focus groups will receive a short training, with explicitly designed material (flyers, training videos, devices, etc.), giving a complete overview of the aims of the study and its tasks.
This is a first engAGE example scenario. Other secenarios and personas will be developed in the project and published at this page.